Special Rights Team

Use the links below for brief intro videos folks on our special rights team recorded to say hello and share a bit about themselves. You can find videos for special rights co-teachers on our Classroom Teams page.


Ahkeem, special rights education assistant

Alexis, special rights education assistant

Blake, lead special rights education assistant + building sub

Bronson, special rights education assistant

Bug, special rights education assistant

Christine, Setting III special rights teacher

Corliss, Setting III special rights teacher

Emmet, special rights education assistant

G, special rights education assistant

Henry, special rights education assistant

Idalis, special rights coordinator

Jesse, special rights education assistant

Jordyn, Resource & Setting III special rights teacher

Kaisha, special rights education assistant

Karly H., special rights education assistant

Kate, special rights education assistant

Katie, special rights education assistant

Kevin, special rights student support specialist

Krystal, special rights education assistant

Lori, Resource & Setting III special rights teacher

Mary, special rights teacher, resource room

Micheal, due process coordinator

Michele, special rights literacy specialist, resource room

Moz, special rights education assistant

Sarah, special rights education assistant

Shwe, special rights education assistant

Tai, special rights education assistant

Tessa, special rights education assistant